Monday, 25 April 2016

Project Evaluation

Throughout the Beauty and the Brand Project, I have experienced working as a make-up and hair artist, designer, photographer and also editor which allows me to understand more and provides me the idea of positioning in different job role in the fashion industry. The project theme allows me to work in different areas in the fashion industry and there are catwalk, editorial and advertisement. By giving me the knowledge about them, it gives me ideas and allows me to try out which area I want to do for my future career. By researching the Spring/Summer 2016 trends, I have learnt how to research the latest fashion trends and also know more about how the trends impact to the beauty or fashion brands through their catwalks, editorial images and advertisements. I found the most interesting part in this project is that I can do make-up and hair designs and photo shoots based on a brand that I like and explore more about the brand’s design styles. I have learnt several new techniques throughout this project such as setting up different lightings and learn more about different kinds of make-up looks and hairstyles. The technique which I enjoy the most is to learn how to set up different lightings to create certain mood for the images and it is very useful for my project in the future.

I think the most successful part in this project is that my post production skills have improved and I have learnt more skills from Photoshop and Indesign. For my designs, I have researched different make-up and hair stylist to find inspirations such as Chris Schild, Val Garland, Christian Eberhard, etc. Chris Schild’s works influence me by his make-up designs as he did several editorial images related to beauty and also I found his unique eye make-up designs really inspiring as they look simple but dramatic. The second make-up artist which I have looked at is Val Garland. Val Garland has done some make-up works for M.A.C and also I found that some of her style on her work is quite similar to Chris Schild as they both did simple but dramatic eye make-up. Also, some of Val Garland’s has featured specific cultures from the past such as 60s eyeliner, Pop Art, etc which links to how my chosen brand, M.A.C has considered cultures and historical backgrounds from the past. For hair artists, I have researched Christian Eberhard as his designs reference hairstyle from the past such as the Feathered Hairstyle from the 1970s and his other works look elegant and delicate which links to my advertisements, editorial and catwalk looks. I have also done some historical research to reference my designs and this links to how M.A.C sometimes reference historical looks, combine with modern ideas and create a modern version of historical looks.

Throughout the project, I have faced different problems such as model is not available for one of my shoot and experiment in designs. In order to solve out the problems, I have found another model for my shoot and also redesign the look to improve the appearance of the look. If I have the chance to do the project again, I would like to do something more artistic and extreme for one of my editorial shoot as to create a bigger contrast between the two shoots.

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